

What’s Intuition Got to Do With It?

My intuition informs everything I do and create. It’s the process, the moment, the flow that gives me each next step.

I also call myself a unicorn. A magical unicorn whose rainbow of healing techniques and artistic expression will amplify your own powers of creation and creativity.

I aim to help you BE MORE MAGIC, clearing anything dampening the brightness of the magic you already ARE. Your inherent magical, beautiful, empowered self. 

I work with those who are no longer content to rely on traditional and outdated paradigms, systems, and structures. Those who are done giving their power away to self-appointed gurus driven by ego, or being seduced by the hype of "instant manifestation," often marketed by privileged white women who appropriate regularly other cultures and use their inherited wealth or support from wealthy partners to con unsuspecting souls into thinking they hold the keys.

I don’t work with people looking for shortcuts or hoping to bypass. I don’t work with people who are willing to give their power away to self-appointed “gurus.”

I work with those who have sensed that there's another way — a more honest and powerful way — to intentionally step into the full depth of their essence. 

I help others expand and ground their own essence.

As we clear what's standing in the way of claiming your full power, we inevitably ground other aspects of your life and business. By clearing what's distorting your full magical expression, you shine brighter and become more empowered and magnetic.

Play where you are. With what you have. As you BE.

The Backstory

I first entered the realm of energetic healing when my physical body crashed into stage 3 adrenal exhaustion with a simultaneously diagnosis of lupus (SLE) in my late 20s. Admittedly, I’d fallen into the “more is better” trap when it came to physical fitness; I was training for and playing competitive rugby, training for mini triathlons, running with the D.C. Hash House Harriers, and teaching multiple fitness classes a week, continually wondering how far I could push myself and ignoring all my body’s warnings.  I tore my ACL, broke my collarbone and finger, and repeatedly rolled my poor ankles. I’d exhaust myself but refuse to give myself a break. “Mind over matter,” right?! I was bored to tears at my day job, so I used physical exercise as my outlet.

My side job at the time (mornings and weekends and sometimes during lunch) was as a fitness trainer, and the fitness coordinator at one of the gyms offered me my first ever healing session when I started to crash. My curiosity was piqued. I’d discovered and read the Neale Donald Walsch series of Conversations with God books years prior, but hadn’t realized there was so much more to do and learn until my body said, “Freaking STOP already!”

My next introduction to energy healing came through a slew of intense fitness certifications through the CHEK Institute in Vista, California (the Ultra Spiritual JP Sears was on the faculty at that time). Through my trainings to become a CHEK Practitioner and Holistic Lifestyle Coach, I grew more and more acquainted with just how much of our physical experience is influenced by energetics, and the extent to which targeting physical issues at the root – on an energetic level – makes an even greater impact that targeting “symptoms” such as holding onto extra weight. 

During the time I was training at the CHEK Institute, I nearly quit (but ultimately didn't) my Masters degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion (with a specialization in Performance Enhancement). My new trainings through the CHEK Institute, as well as all the new information I was coming across at the fitness conferences I attended (as a graphic and web designer for one of the national conferences, they gave me free tickets to any conference as long as I got myself there), I began to realize how outdated and incomplete traditional curriculum can be. I’d been learning information that disproved (or greatly surpassed) much of what I was required to “learn” in order to complete my M.S. I decided to get my degree anyway and incorporate my own learnings — including more holistic, energetic, and advanced perspectives — into the foundational perspectives. 

From there, I found a local healer named Mimi Malfitano, and she referred me to two powerful healers in Silver Spring, Maryland (I lived in the Washington, DC area at the time) who were running a deep transformational journey and certification called Healing with Light.  Over the following years, I studied/trained with numerous teachers such as Katherine Wright Desai, Veronica and Eloheim, Kim Eibrink Jansen, Michelle Lowbridge, and Cristina Bevir, greatly enhancing my own intuition, energetic capacity, and understanding of energy work. All of my teachers have also introduced me to practical and powerful tools for daily life.

Over the years, I've always followed my intuition and trained with whomever I felt drawn to, even (and often especially) if I didn’t know exactly “why.” I've accumulated experience studying and working with powerful modalities including Reiki, Arcturian Reiki, EFT (most powerful IMHO in the form of "Investigative Tapping)”, Empowered Energetics, Energy Editing, reading the Akashic Records, Light Language, the Emotion Code, the Anahata Codes (Quantum Frequencies), Sacred Activations, Core Expansion, and most recently Sacred Embodiment: the Method.  

I’ve also designed and self-published 5 energetically-infused oracle decks so far, marrying my loves of art, design, writing, and energy work. Along with client commissions to co-create decks, I also teach others to harness their own oracle deck magic (including energetic clearings and activations) and release their own potent, unique wisdom and frequency into the world.

Current Offerings

I’m currently re-working my official offerings. At the moment, you can explore my Frequency Gym site or browse my Secret Sessions page, where I’m offering low-cost readings to allow me to play with different formats without expectations…