No Refunds


Because of the amount of energy and time and intuition - the energetic commitment - Mellie puts into every stage of each project, no refunds will be issued.

Before you sign up, please make sure you’re also fully energetically committed to the offering or course.

If you need more information to help you make a solid decision, contact Mellie directly with your questions.

By submitting your payment, you are confirming that you understand the nature of intuition, as well as your faith in my ability to tune in and bring through what is needed from a higher level – not necessarily what anyone’s mind “thinks” it wants. 

You are confirming that you understand and appreciate the nature of intuition as unpredictable and even indescribable, as it involves tapping into an energy deeper than most formulaic or mind-driven “traditional design” or “traditional art”.

You understand that Mellie works more deeply and powerfully than your standard designer/artist, and you acknowledge that you have the choice of employing someone else instead to achieve a specific goal if you decide you’re uncomfortable with this deeper and unique way of working.

You understand that intuition does NOT follow any specific formula. It is pure creativity, responsive only to the energies in each moment. Each design concept is as much a surprise and delight to Mellie as it is to her clients.  It’s about the process, the journey, and remaining open to possibilities. Each design “decision” is made in the present moment, and is neither dictated by an agenda nor limited by the mind’s need for certainty. Mellie intends to dive beyond the literal and immediately observable (and often predictable) solutions to the magic found beneath. 

Any courses or memberships will also not be refunded, as full intention and energy have already been poured into each offering, and all clients are expected to use his/her intuition and discernment before purchasing any course or product.

Testimonials are available and, in most cases, already displayed. It is not Mellie's responsibility to determine whether or not a product is "right" for you, and because we are all unique beings at unique points in our journeys, no specific result can be guaranteed. Results can be skewed by many things, including your own preconceptions or expectations, your own available time, your own ability to receive intuitive information at any given point.  You are making the commitment.